Sunday, January 19, 2025

Writing update and accountability post, Jan. 19

State of me and how that impacts my work

Well, this update isn't going to be as impressive as last week's.  I got a few things done but very little writing. Spent some time thinking about how to emotionally prepare for, and cope with, the incoming political clusterfuck, still have some thinking to do. Walked five separate days, including today; my longest walk of the year so far. 

Did some organizing and clearing out in my office, with some great assistance. Holiday stuff is packed away for next year. All my character generation stuff is now in one place. My tax papers are pulled together. I now have a workable sitting and standing work surface. Physical organization helps reduce the mental overwhelm. 

Also have been in correspondence with another writer who's working on a debut novel. I'm basically just being a supportive being, because he's got chops and I'm excited to see where his writing goes. It's been good for my soul. 

What I've learned/practiced this week: 

Practicing patience with myself. 

Re-learned that having too many goals confuses my brain and scatters my focus.

Also, apparently a desk that's too clean makes me a tad nervous. 

What I want to practice next week:

Create ongoing time slots for various types of non-writing but related chores like marketing, story submission, S&W stuff, which aren't getting done.

Daily writing.

Stay off social media as much as possible.

What I've been reading and what I've appreciated/learned from it:

Finished reading The Sapling Gate. The ending felt earned but a tad rushed, and my dread sense that something TRULY awful would happen faded as the ending neared. The author successfully threaded a narrow aperature in terms of plot, came up with some eerie creatures and villainy, but (spoiler warning)  left us with that now-familiar taste of "not all the bad guys can be held accountable." 

Also critted another Wordos' short. Reminder to think through main characters' motivations and personalities. 

Projects status update:

Books: spent two hours on the new opening of Thwarted.

Short stories: Reviewed, tightened and submitted one story, received critique on a short story, received one rejection.

Marketing: none

S&W work: none

Submissions this year: 2

Rejections this year: 1

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