Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The agent hit a plot snag and rewrite quandary

Well, the agent who requested the full manuscript declined to offer representation.

She said my writing is strong and my characters leapt off the page (there's a compliment I need to staple to my forehead) but her love did not extend to the novel's plot.

I knew the plot was going to be a hard sell, but it's important to me so I'll keep querying. I've queried 26 agents now, which is barely scratching the surface (one of the reasons I was so excited to have a request for a full so soon). Only have eleven queries still out there in agents' inboxes, so I need to get busy querying again.

Also got a request to rewrite a short, which was exciting. But I am having a surprisingly difficult time re-envisioning the story. The character questions I've asked to fix the issues have revealed deeper cracks in the story logic that I expected.  A really nice challenge, but my brain is tripping on it right now.

Ah well. Onward.

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