Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cooking creativity

I've been doing a lot of sewing and cooking, lately, domestic creativity as opposed to writing, although I'm finally getting back to doing that as well. In the kitchen, for the most part I've been following recipes for things I haven't done before: fruit leather, fish stew, and various vegetarian dishes as I've been trying to work through the lovely veggies we're getting in our CSA box.

Last week, though, I tried an experiment; totally off the cuff with flavors and scents that just sounded good.  

I took a thick pork loin, cut it into small cubes and marinated it for about half an hour in a bit of liquid from soaking dried chilies, some chopped fresh mint, and about 1 Tbsp. MILD harissa. 

Now, those who love harissa will scoff at this. Harissa appears to be a paste of reconstituted dried hot peppers mixed with garlic, caraway, cumin and coriander to either distract from or enhance the burn. I can't do the burn, so I mostly used the latter four.

Browned meat and then simmered it in more soaking juice (could substitute a 1/2 cup of red wine or broth) for 20 minutes. Added potatoes, celery, carrots, and corn (and scrapings) from two fresh ears. Minced a clove of garlic, add it and salt, pepper, 1/2 cinnamon stick and some ground cumin -- I probably used 1/2 tsp. 

Added just enough stock to simmer -- less than a cup -- and cooked on low until veggies were tender, about an hour.  Removed cinnamon stick before serving.

Mmmm. Tasty. I can do that again.

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