Some friends with health issues, trying to help them as I can.
Feeling a bit worn thin - no. Feeling pulled in six directions at once, which means it's hard to stop and focus on my work, and that means creative work is suffering.
Had two jury duty days in that period. I'm on grand jury this season, as an alt, so ... can't talk about it obviously, but that has been interesting and mildly depressing.
I HAVE been doing some piecemeal learning-necessary-things and wedging in shorter tasks, which I haven't had the energy for before, so I guess I'm picking up a little bit? And every task I cross off makes me realize I have made progress, so that helps.
Had a nice convo with my editor; she's starting work on book three.
Started re-reading a single character's arc in the two books I have finished because I need a better culmination of her arc in book two.
Did some revision work on a short story, decided it didn't fit the call I was prepping it for and... kinda dropped it. Wrote a short flash piece tonight in two hours. That was delightfully fun (prompt piece for my crit group's spring reading) and it gave me an idea for ways to generate short stories in my universe.
Did some business-related stuff.
Have started using FOREST again (it's a "focus" app, you can't use your phone while your plants grow). There very silly focus challenge, where you earn a new plant by "planting" a certain number of plants for a certain amount of time each day, has been RIDCULOUSLY helpful this month. I really wanted their Lily of the Valley (they're calling it a bellflower but I know what I see and I wants it and I GOT IT. Yay me.)
Small joys. Small joys help a lot right now. *wry smile*
What I've learned/practiced this week/over the past two weeks:
A lot, actually.
Downloaded Vellum and have been playing with it for the past two days. It's bog-simple except for the things that aren't; i.e., it expects Chapters to be Chapter Headed, and ... my book isn't formatted that way, so that was a headache. Was useful in that I had to think about sectioning the book into parts, and where those breaks would be and why was a nice arc tool.
Also discovered that layout is a great way to find typos.
So many typos.
Updated my Goodreads account (oh the dust was thick on that one) and realized I can't get an author page there until I publish.
Watched several IBPA videos on metadata and figured out how to populate my ISBN metadate properly.
Watched a presentation on marketing reels and took notes and got ideas for things this introvert can do to market without putting myself out there.
Checked out the SFWA discord thread on independent publishing and have been learning from the folks there.
Learned more about Squarespace's services and decided it would be better and cheaper to do a Mailchimp mailing list right now (not the best service, I know, but I'm familiar with Mailchimp and my learning slots are full).
What I want to practice next week:
Self-care, and by that I mean refilling the well by doing creative things.
More political action and less political social media.
Organization, because... taxes are coming.
What I've been reading and what I've appreciated/learned from it:
Finished KB Spangler's Digital Divide, part of her Rachel Pang series. I'm very much appreciating the world she's created. Maybe I'm noticing more how the characters -- though they're in a horrible situation-- in many ways are making the best of it and finding joy as they can, and that resonates with me right now. There's action and mystery and over the top tech and... ghosts? Ghosts. I came to the books from the online graphic novel/s (it starts here: which feel more cozy and less ... bloody? perhaps because they're drawings.
Projects status update:
Books: A Dubious Hope and Thwarted: re-reading a character's arc because I have to wrap it better in Thwarted. I mean, I have an idea....
Next steps: submit three more short stories by March 15.
Submissions so far this year: Six.
Marketing: Just lots of research so far. I think I've decided not to hire marketing yet?
Next steps: decide where to focus my energy between now and June.
S&W work: Lots of learning and prep work, renewed my business registration.
Next steps: Finalize cover design and enter my metadata now that I have it.