GOAL CHECK-IN at the end of February.
-- Two weeks of travel and being sick has left me in a hole.
-- Purpose is not revised. I did a pass and I do have a chunk of the work done. But I hit a wall. I didn't get some of the feedback back, and I pushed the project aside until I finished a Writing the Other world building class that I correctly thought would give me another perspective on what I was doing. It did, but it also opened a caldera of self-doubt.
--New deadline is March 15. I don't know if I'm going to make that -- BIG depressive slump -- but I'm not changing it yet because I'm already behind.
-- I have read at least 15 ss this month but haven't tracked them well; I need to pull together the list I've read. Hugo noms are due soon and I'd like to contribute to that. Last month I didn't read as much as I would have liked and I was really bad about tracking. Again.
-- My weakest skill RIGHT NOW is maintaining a working schedule and figuring out how to move forward when new information and/or mood shifts shake my existing plan.
-- I decided against applying to either Clarion this year. Instead, I'm taking two Clarion West one-day classes; one on revision and one on making stories stand out, since I'm not selling my stories and since revision is a fucking nightmare and I hate it and Fonda Lee says that's where the magic happens. Well by ghoddess I hope she can SHOW ME WHERE.
-- Two (of aimed-for-13) stories currently on submission; third got an actual "we liked this and kicked it upstairs but decided against it for maybe these reasons" PERSONAL REJECTION on my favorite short, so maybe there is hope. If I remember it's the same feedback I got from elsewhere so maybe I should take that feedback and ask about resubmitting.
-- Won't submit an unrevised manuscript, so that's on hold.
-- Retreat this summer is verbally happening. Need to look at schedule and nail down dates.