A few things I've (re)learned since the last blog post.
Anxious, nervous energy is really good for exercise. Put another way, exercise is good for working out anxieties and nervous tension.
Making big decisions and acting on them takes a huge weight off and allows creative energy to flow.
Unusual and untried foods make bad rewards because if you're disappointed or don't like it, you feel like you've wasted a reward. New things should be tried for their own sake. Just for, yannow, variety. It's a thing you could try.
Epically bad shit is happening to someone, somewhere, ALL THE TIME. It doesn't stop because I stop paying attention and it doesn't stop because I do pay attention. Taking a break from the deluge of bad news in order to maintain my sanity does not add to or lessen anyone's pain. It's a necessary and essential piece of maintaining one's ability to respond to outrage. For all I know sixteen more effective workers step up when I step aside for a bit. I just can't allow the rest to turn into paralysis or ostrich mode.
Rage is really unhealthy and hard on the body.
Some things cannot be reversed. Oil spills will desecrate water and land for my lifetime and the lifetime of those who rely on those resources for body, mind and soul.
I am not an effective advocate in fights where I feel we've already lost.
There are things I can do.
Given enough time water wears away rock.
I need to read more. Reading really helps clear my mind, takes me into others' imaginations and helps me find insights I would not have otherwise seen.