Been reading quite a bit surreal and "weird" fiction, mostly of the science fiction variety. Some of it works for me and I enjoy it. Some of it ... leaves me cold and wondering What The Fandango I just read. Literally said that aloud at one point.
It's the emotional experience the story leaves me with, I think. If I'm amused by the turns of phrase or twists of bizarre, or if the emotion evoked is one I understand (even if getting there was by way of flying chocolate water bottle) then I can accept the story. But if the emotion evoked is mixed, there is no familiar ground, the references and allusions pass over my head (assuming they're there) and/or the story seems just ... pointless ... then I balk. I get irritated because I want to understand and I can't. So I decide that it's not a story, it's not a mystery, it's not a puzzle, it's just a waste of my time.
WTF stories resonate with others or they wouldn't have been published. And that's a good thing.
After all, if we all preferred to wear green, clothing would get pretty boring after awhile.